
“Charlotte led me, a Dharma novice, with such gentle but radiant peace, that I was still feeling the calm echoes of our meditation weeks later.”

Samuel Shearer

“Charlotte has been a mentor to me for the last four years. Her continuing love, support, knowledge, and experience has guided me through my darkest hour and helped me gain control over my life again. Charlotte’s inspirational and profound Dharma talks have also been immensely beneficial to me and I now have a greater understanding of myself. Thank you, Charlotte.”

Francesca L

“I really enjoyed Charlotte Adler’s Dharma talk last month. It just felt good to be sat amongst this type of energy. I talk a lot for my work as a yoga teacher. So good to be quiet and listen.

Lynette  Greenaway

”I have known Charlotte for some time. Her enthusiasm for Dharma and the right path is both infectious and inspiring, and I would recommend (if you have the opportunity) to spend some time with her.”

Phra Kanti La-Mo

“Thank you so much for sharing your love, wisdom & inspiration with us. It was a privilege to be part of a Super fantastic retreat. I feel so lucky to have been part of such a fabulous group of people. I have taken away such a strong sense of Gratitude, Love & I’m inspired by the power of strong women sharing & supporting each other. It was truly an amazing week & I’m so grateful to have met you.”

Olivia P

“We can make our minds like still water… and so live for a moment with a clearer, perhaps even with a fiercer life because of our quiet.”

W. B Yeats – The Celtic Twilight

“When Charlotte of Bodhicitta Lifeworks asked me to teach a group of very special ladies on this retreat in Kilcrohane, West Cork I jumped at the chance. An old Irish cottage, some beautiful souls, nourishing practices. Bliss.”

Jean Jyanti Noonan – Anam Solas Yoga

“Had a wonderful week on Charlottes retreat… arrived feeling pretty done in by it all, and have been restored and ready to go forth and enjoy life. Beautiful environment, people, yoga combined with Charlottes Dharma counselling have worked wonders.”

Emily B

“A truly idyllic retreat in every way, from the cottage and magnificent views and coastline, with heaps of nourishing home-cooked food, to the wonderful healing and restorative meditations, Dharma talks, and yoga with Charlotte and Jean. Thank you, Charlotte for a wonderful week.”

Jennifer F

“Thank you for a very interesting and informative dharma talk and guided meditation. I have some wonderful tools now to implement these into my everyday life”

Jackie K

“Charlotte’s knowledge and calm being makes these sessions informative and enjoyable. A truly enlightening experience.”

– Amy P

“The teachings offered are simple to understand, easy to adopt, they can become a part of life’s purpose. Charlotte is an amazing teacher, her voice carries a great depth based on knowledge, study, and loving kindness. I would highly recommend contacting Bodhicitta Lifeworks if one is interested in learning and self-development.”

Hugo De G

“Charlotte is a great Dharma teacher and meditation leader. We have been working together for more than 3 years now and organize 3 retreats at Lucia Yoga retreats in Spain. And it is always a pleasure to do so. If you are looking for some one to help you see your life in different way and move forward, she is the perfect one to help you.”

P Villegas

“Charlotte provides clear, loving guidance and helps to make meditation accessible. If you have the chance to work with Charlotte grab it with both hands, you will not regret it!”

James K

“Charlotte is a beautiful soul whose life experience shines through in her teachings on Buddhism. She brings a realism, honesty and practicality with real life examples of instilling the practice of the Buddha into everyday life. Her soothing voice lends itself to such beautiful meditations.”

Polly R

“I’ve been having sessions with Charlotte for over a year now. I’ve never met anyone with her kind of insights and ability to understand what triggers our emotions and what heals our wounds. She comes at a problem from her own experiences and that of her Dharma teachings, in a way that makes complete sense and puts everything in perspective. She’s incredibly wise and generous and what’s more she really cares.”

Jen F

“Many blessings on your path of the heart!”

Jack Kornfield